KESC customers and other people have been advised for protecting themselves and their families from electrical accidents and electrocution especially during rains. A KESC spokesman reminded people about precautionary measures which, he said, must be followed by them in order to save themselves from any unfortunate incident during monsoon rains.
(1) In case of wire snapping, the nearest KESC center or 118 be immediately informed by phone or at the center-window for the purpose. The broken wire may be live and may cause fatal accident if the complaint center is not timely informed.
(2) Not to go near or touch a broken wire.
(3) Not to use Kunda connection during rain.
(4) Keep away from electricity installations like Poles, PMTs and
(5) Local generator users should install them separate from KESC-line. Some generator users hook their generators on the KESC neutral wire, which becomes dangerous for the KESC staff working on the line in case of power failure.
(6) Keep away from water accumulated during rains around electrical poles or other installations.
(7) Local switches on the poles for streetlight should not be touched during rains.
(8) In case one phase is off do not jump over to the other phase.
The spokesman said past history suggests that higher rate of fatal accidents during rains occurred in Kunda-infested areas and amongst the illegal connection users.
Hence, it is important that people, for their own safety, should remove these illegal connections before the rain starts.
He said that KESC has also undertaken tree pruning in areas where it was disturbing the overhead power supply lines.
He advised that pets, goats or cows should not be kept under chair with an electrical pole. Some people are also in the habit of tying their cycles and motorcycles with electrical poles which should be avoided during the rains.
TV Cable operators were warned not to climb a pole for correcting their cable-line mostly running on electric poles, during the rains.
The survey of dangerous buildings should be carried out for avoiding any mishap during the rainy season and the possessor of such houses should be motivated for shifting from unsafe buildings.
The adequate steps should also be taken for further improving the sanitation and drainage system for speedy flow of rainwater from the city. The citizen should refrain from throwing waste and shopping bags in drains for avoiding the blockage and ensure smooth flowing of drains.
The public co-operation for maintaining cleanliness and blockage free drains.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2005


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