ISLAMABAD: The Finance Division has stated that family pension to minor children will be admissible till the age of 21 years as per prescribed eligibility criteria, priority and manner.
Regulations Wing of the Finance Division issued an office memorandum regarding ordinary family pension which stated as; refer to Finance Division’s OM No F 9(3)R-6/2024-264 dated 10.09.2024 on the subject and to state that Finance Division is in receipt of number of queries with regard to Finance Division’s OM dated: 10.09.2024.
Replying to a query that applicability of the Finance Division’s OM dated 10.09.2024 to the existing family pensioners, the Division stated as; As clarified vide Finance Division vide OM No 9 (3)-Reg.6/2024-300 dated 10-10-2024 that the decision will be applicable to those family pensioners who become eligible for family pension on or after the issuance of the Finance Division’s OM dated: 10-09-2024. Hence, it is elaborated that Finance Division OM dated: 10.09.2024 shall be applicable to only those cases which have become entitled-to or whose family pension has started on or after 10.09.2024.
Replying to another query regarding treatment of minor children for grant of ordinary family pension, the Finance Division stated that family pension to minor children will be admissible till the age of 21 years as per eligibility criteria, priority and manner as prescribed in Finance Division’s OM No 1(13)-Reg.6/83 dated 23.10.1983.
Regarding another query that what if a minor child does not remain minor during the receipt of family pension, the Finance Division replied that once a child is no more minor, then such child will not be entitled to receive family pension as a minor child. However, after the death/ineligibility of spouse, the ordinary family pension shall remain admissible to other entitled family members as per priority and manner as prescribed in Finance Division’s OM No1(13)-Reg.6/83 amended from time to time for period of 10 years or un-expired portion of 10 years only.
Further, queries were regarding entitlement of family members and order/priority in which the family pensions will be granted; in case, widow is drawing family pension and gets disqualified on or after 10.9.2024; and following her disqualification, unmarried/widow/divorced daughter become eligible after 10.9.204 whether she will be eligible for 10 years or for life, the Finance Division replied that the ordinary family pension after the death of ineligibility of the spouse shall remain admissible for the period of 10 years or un-expired portion of 10 years only to the family members as per eligibility criteria, priority and manner set in Finance Division’s OM No 1(13) dated 23.10.1983.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2025