House of Representatives

US House approves $715bn infrastructure bill

US House approves $715bn infrastructure bill

  • The bill, which includes provisions from President Joe Biden's initial $2.3 trillion infrastructure proposal, authorizes additional spending for roads, bridges, highway safety, electric vehicle charging stations, rail, transit, drinking and wastewater infrastructure.
Published 01 Jul, 2021 09:41pm
US House readies final vote on Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID-19 package

US House readies final vote on Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID-19 package

  • "It's really just a matter of paperwork. But we are going to have a vote as soon as we can," Democratic Representative Katherine Clark, the assistant House speaker, told CNN.
  • The House was still awaiting the Senate version late on Monday. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters that lawmakers would "take it up Wednesday morning at the latest."
Published 09 Mar, 2021 08:47pm
US Supreme Court rejects case over 'qualified immunity' for police

US Supreme Court rejects case over 'qualified immunity' for police

  • Police use of force has been closely scrutinized following the May 2020 death of a Black man named George Floyd after a Minneapolis officer knelt on his neck.
  • The Cincinnati, Ohio-based 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals in 2020 granted the officers qualified immunity, ruling that no "clearly established" precedent showed that their actions were unlawful.
Published 08 Mar, 2021 08:18pm
Biden says he will sign election reform bill

Biden says he will sign election reform bill

  • I look forward to signing it into law ... so that together we can strengthen and restore American democracy for the next election and all those to come.
  • The bill must still clear a divided US Senate.
Published 04 Mar, 2021 07:14pm
US House on verge of approving Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID-19 aid plan

US House on verge of approving Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID-19 aid plan

  • The measure would also send a new round of emergency financial aid to households, small businesses and state and local governments.
  • A group of Senate Republicans had offered Biden a slimmed-down alternative, but the White House and some economists insist a big package is needed.
Published 26 Feb, 2021 09:10pm