Rains are due to pass over Brazil's main southern soyabean producing states on Monday but loading of ships at Paranagua port is not expected to see serious delays from the storms, forecaster Somar said. "The rain will be very welcome in the south where some regions have gone without rain since the beginning of March," said Celso Oliveira, meteorologist at Somar.
Soya plants in Brazil's No 3 soyabean producing state of Rio Grande do Sul are in the pod-filling stage when regular moisture is essential for the production of beans. "As far as delays to loading grain at Paranagua, they shouldn't be prolonged. The storms will pass over rather quickly," Oliveira added.
The rains will push northward over Brazil's main soyabean belt providing moisture over No 2 soya state Parana and No 1 soya state Mato Grosso. "In Parana, the rain should alternate with periods of sun, favouring the advance of harvest," Somar said in a daily weather bulletin. "The same will occur in the center-west to favour field work." Brazil's record 65-67 million-tonne soyabean crop is entering the peak of harvest. In an extended 10-day forecast, Somar predicted the weather will begin to dry out after the passage of the cold front.

Copyright Reuters, 2010


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