It is true that Abid Ali was a versatile actor. His death has undoubtedly created a vacuum likely to remain unfilled. Through this letter, I wish to commend Business Recorder for is editorial on great actor's death, which certainly constitutes a rich tribute to the services rendered by this artist in the realm of performing arts. It is also quite true that "Abid Ali lent actualization to the roles assigned to him. It is one's hope and wish that Abid Ali's down-to-earth portrayal of ordinary life will help entertainment industry shift its focus from the plush, unreal depiction of life to the mundane realities as they exist in today's Pakistan."
That Abid Ali was a serious reader of Paulo Coelho is a fact. According to Coelho, "Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners." Abid Ali was always a winner, he was never a loser.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019


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