"If you look at the international media you would not be remiss in thinking that Malala Yousafzai is the most well regarded participant attending the United Nations education summit in Oslo."
"Ha, ha, ha."
"What's so funny - her contribution to education - both the price she personally paid for getting educated and her foundation which actually does a lot of good throughout the world and focuses on education for the poor and the vulnerable and..."
"Hey, that's not what I found amusing. Let me draw your attention to the coverage of the summit in the Pakistani media and you may well think that the most important participant is Nawaz Sharif. Needless to add the Pakistani media in Oslo right now is restricted to those agencies which are funded from our taxpayers' money."
"That's the beauty of state-run agencies and I would include Pakistan Television in that category."
"So a good thing from the perspective of whoever is in power and a bad thing for who ever is not and here I would include not only the opposition but also the public that though is no longer deprived of news given cable networks yet pays for a bunch of people whose terms of reference are to say only good things about the government."
"Right and considering what Mian sahib's government has invested in education..."
"Well, none of Mian sahib's children have shown a great deal of interest in higher education either but they are all business savvy - I mean running financial empires require some intelligence and he has been the prime minister thrice and.."
"Indeed, but what I can't understand is why doesn't Mian sahib do a photo-op with Malala? I am sure that would win him points here in Pakistan. I can't understand why Zardari sahib or even Imran Khan do not rope in Malala and her foundation to do more work here..."
"I agree, I mean given that western leaders including Obama and Ban Ki Moon and other heads of government are proud to be photographed with her and while Malala gets to meet whoever she wants Mian sahib has to wait for an invitation that is not always forthcoming..."
"That's because our Pakistani male character in general and Pakistani head of parties' character in particular doesn't like to share space with any non-family member."

Copyright Business Recorder, 2015


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