Kashmiris living on both sides of the Line of Control and the rest of the world are observing the black day on Sunday, to mark a strong protest against the visit of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

The call for observing black day against Modi’s visit to IIOJK was given by the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) and was supported by the Azad Jammu Kashmir government.

The observance of the black day was also aimed at registering protest against continual forced Indian occupation.

“India has turned bleeding Indian occupied state of Jammu and Kashmir the largest prison on the earth for last over two years and about 8 months through the complete communication and information blocked by the Indian occupational forces – since furious Kashmiris were constantly defying all restrictions taking to the street agitations against August 5 Indian sinister action of scrapping special status of the disputed Jammu Kashmir State abrogating article 370 and 35-A of her constitution”, said the speakers while addressing the mammoth black-day rally here Sunday morning.

Modi to hold first IIOJK public event since clampdown

The protest rally staged, by the National Events Organizing Committee, a joint forum of various public representative organizations of the local civil society to mark the Indian Prime Minister Modi’s visit to occupied Jammu as black day, was led and addressed among others by the city elite and elders including the NEOC Chairman Ch. Amjad Iqbal, Vice Chairmen Yasir Riaz, Muhammad Muneer Qureshi, Secretary-General NEOC Altaf Hamid Rao, APHC leader and Chief of Milli Awami Tehreek Muhammad Aslam Malik, President Mirpur District Bar Association Raja Imtiaz Ahmed, Ch. Waqas Ashraf of PPP AJK, Suhail Shujah Mujahid, and Raja Khalid Mahmood Khan of Insaf Traders Wing of PTI and local business community leaders, journalists Raja Habib Ullah, Zaffar Mughal and Shujah Jiraal, APCA AJK leader Raja Muhammad Rasheed, Teachers Union leaders Ismail Chaudhry and others.

Lambasting the hardliner and fanatic Indian Prime Minister Modi, speakers described BJP’s Hindutva ideology as a threat to regional peace and urged the United Nations to perform its due responsibilities for resolving the much-delayed Kashmir issue in line with the UN resolutions.

Mass anti-India and protest rallies and demonstrations in all major cities of Azad Jammu Kashmir as well as in various IIOJK cities were the hallmark of the black day as there was reportedly complete shutter down strike in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu Kashmir against India’s forcible occupation of the territory and strong Indignation against Modi’s visit to the occupied State.


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