
Partly cloudy, humid chances of rain likely in city on Wednesday

  • The maximum and minimum temperatures are expected to remain in the range of 36 to 38 and 29 to 31, respectively, degrees centigrade, with 70 to 80 per cent humidity, during the next 24 hours.
Published July 7, 2020

KARACHI: The Meteorological department on Tuesday forecast partly cloudy and humid weather with chances of rain or thunderstorm in the metropolis during the next 24 hours.

The maximum and minimum temperatures are expected to remain in the range of 36 to 38 and 29 to 31, respectively, degrees centigrade, with 70 to 80 per cent humidity, during the next 24 hours.

Hot and humid weather with chances of dust/thunderstorm-rain with a few moderate falls are likely to occur at a number of places in Karachi, Hyderabad and Mirpurkhas divisions, while at isolated places in Sukkur and Shaheed Banazirabad divisions in the next 24 hours.


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