JJ Hospital recently organised a get together to celebrate the 59th Independence Day of Pakistan. Thousands of people from all walks of life, including doctors, businessmen, journalists, etc from all over Sindh, attended the function. The attendees sang the national anthem of Pakistan together.
Dr Hasan Jalisi, Medical Director and Professor Dr M Jalisi, Chairman of the hospital highlighted the importance of the creation of Pakistan and the change it has brought in the lives of Muslims of the sub-continent.
They expressed the hope that in the future the celebrations of Pakistan's birth anniversary would not be limited to just a few government-sponsored events but that every school, college, factory, hospital and company would have their own functions to commemorate this remarkable historical event.
The function also included a musical programme in which famous singers Ali Haider, Fareha Pervaiz, and others comedians entertained the guests.-PR

Copyright Business Recorder, 2005


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