Foreign Minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri said on Friday that durable peace is necessary for the development of the South Asia.
In an interview with ARY TV, he said that if there is tension in South Asia, the chances of development in region would be very little.
He said that it is the responsibility of both Indian and Pakistani leaderships to work for peace in the region.
The Minister said that durable peace would only be achieved in South Asia when just decisions are taken.
When asked about the talks, to be held in February, he said that initially it would be held on secretarial levels in Islamabad. Both the secretaries would decide the agenda of the future talks, he added.
To a question, he said that the agenda would only be useful when it focused on the ground realities. "If the agenda is prepared without addressing the real issues then chances of positive outcome will be very little," he added.
To a question, Kasuri said that the foreign secretaries talks were very important as these would be led by highest officials.
"Foreign secretaries are experts and well-trained officials who knew the national interests," he added.
To a question, he said that fortunately presently both Pakistan and India had wise and courageous leadership.
He said that the joint statement was issued on January 6, in Islamabad on the sidelines of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (Saarc) Summit, due to bold leadership of Pakistan and India.
To a question about debriefing of scientists, he said it was done in the best national interest.
He categorically said that there was no pressure on Pakistan to conduct debriefing of the scientists.
"Pakistan is not a member of NPT, but we are committed to non-proliferation of nuclear information to any country," the Minister said.
To a question that Pakistan is planning to sign NPT, CTBT, he said that no decision yet had been taken in this regard.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2004


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