According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), nearly 5,000 people have died and over 132,000 have been infected by coronavirus globally. Although the number of infected people in Pakistan is 21 with no deaths so far, the near absence of required preparations constitutes a matter of grave concern for people at large. That the situation is profoundly profound is a fact that has found its best expression from the coronavirus fear that seems to have gripped people, particularly those who live in Karachi, a city of teeming millions. Unlike the federal government, the Sindh government, however, is responsibly responding to the evolving situation from the day one.

It is heartening to note that the army has declared that it is ready to respond to the coronavirus challenge in an effective and meaningful manner. The National Security Council's (NSC's) decision to close down country's western borders and cancel the planned 23 March military parade is an equally commendable step.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020


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