As the Queen of hills receives snowfall on Sunday, a large number of tourists thronged to Murree covering white blanket and making nature lovers to record their happy moments of life. A large number of tourists, mainly from twin cities - Islamabad and Rawalpindi - were heading to Malka-e-Kohsar, Murree, to enjoy the snowfall. Thousands of tourists thronged to enjoy the snowfall of the winter at Pindi Point, Kashmir Point, the Mall and Ayubia.
Murree's adjoining areas including Galliyat, Bhurban, Ayubia and Nathiagali are also expected to see a large influx of visitors next week due to snowfall.
Meanwhile, City Traffic Police (CTP) Rawalpindi sensing the possible huge inflow of the tourists had issued a traffic advisory to avoid congestion and blockages on roads of Murree. An additional traffic force had also been deputed in the area on the directives of Chief Traffic Officer Mohammad Bin Ashraf as more snow fall in the coming days has been predicted by the met office.
According to the advisory, the tourists were advised to strictly adhere with traffic laws and avoid from making dual lanes on the roads. The advisory recommended the motorists to use petrol based vehicles and carry tow chain along with their vehicles. The traffic police prohibited the tourists from taking 'selfie' on the way by parking their vehicles along the roadsides which may result into severe traffic jam.
The police also suggested the visitors to take dry fruits along with themselves and keep the motors' batteries fully charged. The CTP also urged the tourists to follow the traffic guidelines and contact on traffic police helpline 051-9269200 in case of emergency.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2019


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