I take this opportunity to felicitate Sindh AIDS control program and all the other stake holders hailing from eminent segment of the population to observe the world AIDS Day with the theme "Getting to zero" in a befitting manner. This gathering of elite personalities of their respective fields speaks volume of their commitment to enhance their endeavours towards combating deadly HIV/AIDS disease.
The monstrous challenge posed by HIV/AIDS is feared to gain monumental proportion by means of changing social patterns, weak health delivery system, lack of awareness among population, increasing number of population specially those illiterate engaged in high risk behaviours, particularly those involved in intravenous drug use in Sindh particular and Pakistan in general while pursuing wide ranging activities to combat lethal HIV disease, we must not overlook some of the vital aspects aimed at overcoming the issue of HIV/AIDS which includes political commitment, multi-spectral support, public health surveillance and monitoring, evaluation, prevention, care, support and treatment facilities besides health delivery systems, you always require ongoing dynamic cooperation and integrated efforts of all stakeholders to control spread of HIV epidemic in Sindh. It is worth mentioning that Sindh Government is fully committed to work for HIV prevention and treatment services in the province on a broader scale.
I believe that a sound political and scientific commitment is key to ensuring HIV control in Sindh. All relevant stakeholders must play their part in co-ordinated efforts to expand HIV prevention and treatment interventions. I am thankful to HIV patient, their families, NGOs, religious leaders, media officials and team of SACP for their efforts for their cooperation and provision of best HIV awareness, prevention, treatment services in the province.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2015


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