Chief of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) paid rich tributes to martyred Punjab Home Minister Shuja Khanzada and announced that PTI will not put candidate for by-election in the constituency fallen vacant due to his death. Imran strongly condemned the attack.
In his twitter message, he said: "Strongly condemn the suicide attack on Punjab Home Minister's Dera. Praying for the survivors & those still under the rubble, including the Minister."
He also revealed that Shuja Khanzada was founder member of PTI. "Grieved to learn about Shuja Khanzada's martyrdom. He was one of the founding members of PTI & travelled with me in the early days galvanising people," Imran tweeted.
"Out of respect for Shaheed Shuja Khanzada PTI will not put up a candidate for the bye election in his constituency," he announced.

Copyright News Network International, 2015


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