WASHINGTON: The United States confirmed Monday the deaths of nine US citizens in the war between Israel and Hamas with more unaccounted for, amid fears they were taken captive.

“At this time, we can confirm the deaths of nine US citizens,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said.

“We can confirm that there are unaccounted for US citizens, and we are working with our Israeli partners to determine their whereabouts.”

Deaths pass 1,100 as Israel retaliates with airstrikes

Miller added that US officials “continue to monitor the situation closely and remain in touch with our Israeli partners and the local authorities.”

Washington has not yet confirmed if Americans are among the hostages taken by the Palestinian group Hamas in its surprise assault on Israel.

Dozens of foreigners have been killed in the violence, including victims from Thailand, Nepal, Ukraine, France, Britain, Canada and Cambodia.

At least 700 people have been killed on the Israeli side, the majority slain by Hamas who entered Israel from Gaza by land, air and sea, while 560 people have been killed in the Gaza Strip as Israel pounds Hamas targets.


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