
Govt doesn't care about the poor: Imran Khan

  • Former premier urges people to come out for a peaceful protest on his call
Published June 14, 2022

Former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan said on Tuesday that the government does not care about the underprivileged class, adding that the ruling coalition has set new records of inflation within weeks, Aaj News reported.

“The current government has no compassion for poor people. It was evident during the Covid-19 crisis when, being in the opposition, it kept pushing for a complete lockdown in the country,” Khan said while addressing an event of party workers at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) House in Islamabad.

Imran Khan said that the then opposition parties criticised his policy of smart lockdowns, which, he said, was commended globally.

“We did not shut down sectors including housing and textile to keep economic activity alive amid the pandemic."

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PTI chairman claimed that the opposition parties took out marches against "inflation" but now that they are in government, they have set new records of inflation within weeks.

The PTI chief said that the incumbent government could bring down the oil prices by purchasing oil from Russia at a discounted price, but they will not do so because it would displease the US.

"Instead of lowering prices, the 'imported government' has raised petrol and diesel prices by Rs 60 per litre, and electricity tariff by Rs 10 per unit," Khan said, warning that the inflation will worsen in the coming days as the finance minister has already hinted at rising fuel prices.

He urged the people to come out for a peaceful protest on his call, saying that the government is not capable of running the country or making decisions.


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