ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday said the Muslim countries could regain their remarkable strength like their ancestors by ensuring the basic values of Islam, particularly socio-economic welfare and rule of law.

“Whenever in the history the Muslims rose, the main reason was their adherence to the foundation of a true Islamic society – caring for humanity and ensure meritocracy,” the PM said in his virtual keynote address to the International Conference on Civilizational Values in the Prophet’s (PBUH) Seerah.

The conference was organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in Morocco’s capital Rabat.

The prime minister said his aim was to transform Pakistan on the lines of Islam’s first socio-welfare State of Medina, which cared for its weaker sections including poor, widows and orphans.

He mentioned that following the basic principles of State of Medina, the Muslim civilizations proved their mettle in the world.

The Muslims liberated the humankind from undue slavery, ensured meritocracy and produced best scientists.

“I hope that the Muslim world today will look back to the same glowing principles and regain their lost position in the world,” he said.

Imran Khan said transforming the State into a people-centric society distinguished it from being called a banana republic,” he said.

He also gave the example of China as an inspiration which took over 700 million people out of poverty in 30 years and jailed some 400 ministerial level office holders on charges of corruption.


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