ROME: Italy's anti-establishment Five Star Movement will not ally with anyone but would consider approving reforms on a case-by-case basis, its leader said on Tuesday after his shock election success.

"The M5S is not allying with anyone as it has always said," former comedian turned anti-corruption firebrand Beppe Grillo said in a blog post on his popular website.

But in comments to reporters outside his home in Genoa, Grillo said: "We're not against the world.

We'll see reform by reform, law by law. If there are proposals that are compatible with our programme, we will evaluate them."

"Now is not the time to be talking about alliances," he said.

Grillo said his lawmakers would also "block" any attempt by left and right to form a grand coalition in parliament.

The comments taken together could be seen as an allusion to possible support for legislation put forward by a leftist government in parliament, without a formal coalition agreement.

Grillo also suggested that Nobel prize-winning playwright Dario Fo, who supported his campaign, could be a candidate for president of Italy after the current incumbent Giorgio Napolitano steps down as expected in April.

"He's an open mind and we need open minds," he said.

Asked to explain his party's success, Grillo said it was part of a "generational conflict".

"Young generations are suffering the burden of a present with no future and we can't imagine they will continue doing that for long," he said.

Copyright AFP (Agence France-Presse), 2013


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