**The way of living your life is to dream big. There is no harm in wanting something good for yourself and working towards making it happen. Having the desire for success is what leads you to success, and these two young entrepreneurs from Balochistan are a clear example of that. The young entrepreneurs we will be talking about are Haris Baloch and Mehran khan. Both of them are exemplary figures for the young generation of Pakistan. Learning about their loves, you will be able to see much struggle and will realize how they pulled themselves up from the down phase in their life to the point they are present right now. It takes a lot of courage to step into the practical world and patience to survive in it. At a young age, you are not ready for the challenges that life throws at you, and you should be able to face them with a brave face.

Meet Haris Baloch a young entrepreneur

Haris Baloch is a young entrepreneur from Kharan Balochistan. If you have ever been to Kharan, you will be amazed to see that it is a very small town and someone so influential has emerged from there. Haris Baloch is one of the youngest entrepreneurs of Pakistan, and he started when he was even younger. Coming from Kharan to Quetta for the hope of better life Haris Baloch has struggled a lot; being a younger person, you have to face double obstacles in your life as compared to other people, and at a younger age, you are easy to trust anyone, and that had led to many problems for Haris Baloch. Living in an age where people focus more on studies during their education period Haris Baloch had the drive to learn about entrepreneurship and digital marketing. He did both these things together and started his own company known as Rifiako media.

Mehran Khan, another young entrepreneur

When you are studying the struggle story of young entrepreneurs, make sure not to miss out on the name of Mehran khan. Mehran khan also has a very similar story to Haris Baloch. he is also from Kharan Balochistan. Moving from there to Quetta at a very young age was quite difficult for someone that young. But with the dream in his eyes, Mehran khan was able to make things happen and is now the co-founder of a digital marketing company known as Rifiako Media. Mehran khan’s story stands out because of the determination he had in his life. Studying while establishing an empire is a great feat for someone to do, especially at such young age. Mehran khan had quite a lot of interest in the social media platforms, and that is why he was able to make money out of it.

What does the story of them both teach us?

The story of Haris Baloch and Mehran khan teaches us that one should never be afraid to struggle, especially at a young age. You should have higher aims, and if even if you have to fall many times while struggling, you will be able to achieve more at a young age. Having dreams is all that matters in life, and with true motivation, one can achieve everything they want in their life; most of our life decisions are in our hands, but we are afraid to take important steps, but when we have the courage like Haris Baloch and Mehran Khan you will be able to get everything you wanted out of your life. The success story of a person is never easy, it sure does have a happy ending, but it is never a piece of cake. You will have to face a lot of hurdles and problems in your life in order to go for that, and you must have the patience to endure everything that life throws at you.

Rifiako media

Rifiako media is the dream project of Haris Baloch and Mehran khan. They developed this company at a young age, and this company also went to a lot of loss to be at the point it is now. Rifiako media has already been working with some bigger names, and that shows how successful it is. This company allows you to market your product or campaign with the help of the social media platforms of Haris Baloch and Mehran khan. Both of them have a huge following which is why the cp companies can reach their target audience for the marketing of their products; this digital media marketing company will not only advertise your products for you but will also help you design a creative campaign for them, they deal with all aspects of marketing that is done on social media platforms. Social media marketing is taking the lead in the marketing world, so associating with such a company that has a huge following and years of experience and skill is worth it all.

Advice to the younger generation by Haris Baloch and Mehran khan

Learning from people who have struggled so much in their life to achieve their goals is something that you should do. For the very same reason, both of these young entrepreneurs have advice for the younger people who want to become young entrepreneurs as well and want to achieve their goals at a younger age.**

• Their first advice is to stick to what they want in their life., decide their goal and then work for it no matter how long does it take them to be on the level you wanted to be at.

• Since both of them are the young entrepreneur, they both encourage young people to shift towards entrepreneurship and don’t let their age stop you from achieving their dreams

• Obstacles are part of your life no matter what age you are or what path you take. Both Mehran Khan and Haris Baloch had to face it too, so that is why they encourage the younger generation to battle every one of put with a brave face.

• Let your age become a positive point than a negative one. Instead of thinking that you will be facing a lot of obstacles at a younger age, think that you will have more time to gain experience and recover from your mistakes if you start at a younger age.

• The business problems that they both have to face were due to not documenting every contract they made with people, and that resulted in a lot of loss. So, according to them, you should document everything because having these contracts in papers will help your business fight the legal battles well.

• Social media is considered the worst thing possible for a kid, but if you learn to use it in a productive way, people will appreciate your efforts instead you warning you off of social media platforms. These platforms can teach you a lot of things and are a huge opportunity for people with dreams like Haris Baloch and Mehran khan.

• Keeping trustworthy people around you matters a lot. If you want to build a team, you need to hire someone competitive and can do teamwork. Selecting the right team can bring your business up.**


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