WASHINGTON: Russia continues to supply a broad range of arms to Libyan rebels including fighter jets, air defense missiles, land mines, and armored vehicles through the state-backed mercenary Wagner Group, the US Defense Department said Friday.

The Pentagon released satellite photographs that it said shows Wagner-supplied military equipment "on the front lines" of the Libyan conflict in Sirte. The photos show Russian cargo aircraft including IL-76s, fighter jets, SA-22 missile launch vehicles, heavy trucks and a mine-resistant armored vehicle, in Sirte and at the Al-Khadim airfield east of Benghazi, the Pentagon said.

US Africa Command director of operations Major General Bradford Gering said the photographs are evidence that Moscow is building its presence in Libya on the side of eastern Libya strongman Khalifa Haftar, who is fighting to seize power from the UN-recognized Government of National Accord in Tripoli.


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