Business & Finance

People responds full confidence over Imran’s leadership: Ali

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) MNA Ali Muhammad Khan Friday said people have responded full confidence ov
Published August 17, 2018

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) MNA Ali Muhammad Khan Friday said people have responded full confidence over dynamic leadership of Imran Khan who was a democratically-elected Prime minister of Pakistan.

Talking to Radio Pakistan, he said, ”We had been given an opportunity to fulfill our promises made with the nation.”

All the challenges confronting by the country would overcome with consensus of all political parties, he added.

The important challenges including security situation of the country and elimination of terrorism, supremacy of law and implementation of law without any differences, provision of knowledge based education, improvement of economy and strengthening energy sector, he added.

Ali Muhammad Khan said the PTI government had a very good team of experts to cope with these challenges and hopefully we will overcome all the crises with sincerity and hard work.

He said the whole nation will have to support PTI and stand with Imran Khan.

PTI MNA, Arif Alvi said his party had already chalked out comprehensive strategy to steer Pakistan out of prevailing crises.

“We will pay special attention to providing jobs and revamping national economy.”

He said the PTI government would fulfill all promises made with the nation during the election campaign.

All major political parties and nation should support PTI in its endeavor to overcome national challenges and put Pakistan on road to progress and stability, he stated.

Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2018


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