Business & Finance

Local school has not missed a learning beat

This independent school shifted to home-learning with relative ease and they are sharing seven easy steps to help y
Published March 25, 2020
  • This independent school shifted to home-learning with relative ease and they are sharing seven easy steps to help your family stay organized and keep learning

LAHORE: With the closures of all area schools, the majority of programs came to a halt … except for one. Acton Academy Lahore affiliate of Acton Academy, USA, carried on, not missing a single day of learning.

By shifting their education community to home-learning, Acton Academy is using a combination of e-learning modules, technology, systems for student-led learning, character-based skills, experiential learning projects, peer mentorship, and real-time connection at least four times a day on Google meet calls to continue running their classes.

What can Families do to ensure these next few weeks and months are valuable?

As many families grapple with how to ensure their children are still engaged in learning, schools are scrambling to use programs and systems they aren’t familiar with and parents are attempting to remain productive in their work with the kids at home. Under these circumstances, chaos is likely in the next little while where school is concerned.

Parents should change their expectations in regards to school goals over the next couple of weeks. We hope that teachers will use this as an opportunity for innovation, choosing experiential learning over packages of worksheets.

“The best use of worksheets is to create paper airplanes!”. “Now is the time to get immersed in real-world learning and not to be sticking to a content-based curriculum.”

There are seven ways families can carry on with learning at home:

Create Goals

Create goals the whole family feels willing and able to try (Use the SMART goal method).  Link: Create goals early in the week and get together on Fridays to revisit those. It’s okay if some of your goals are just to get your children to take bath or help in washing dishes. A good question to consider is this: What does everyone truly want to do right now? If the kids say, “sleep in and play video games,” remind them that those might be fun for the weekends but during weekdays, they are going to get some learning done -- learning they are interested in.

Set a Home-Learning Schedule

Create a schedule with chunks of time for things like reading, going outside, sweating (exercise of some form), project time, and academic skills such as math, writing, and spelling. What are some ideas that your children have for what they’d like to do with their time?

Start a Passion Project

Consider what your child might like to learn more about or a hands-on skill they would like to master. Examples are getting better at an instrument, learning how something works, knowing how to make something, or developing a skill like learning a language. Ask questions to your child to help them identify what area of learning they are interested in.

Use Online or E-learning Modules

There are many free online programs out there, one example being Khan Academy. Just because Khan is free, doesn’t mean it isn’t one of the best programs in the world. It isn’t perfect, but it’s better than most. Let’s be grateful the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has poured millions of dollars into making that one available to every child. Also, many museums and attractions have made their spaces available as virtual tours.

Stay Connected

Use video-chat programs like FaceTime or Zoom to keep your children connected with their friends, teachers, coaches and mentors, and family members. Schedule time to show what they are learning, to ask questions, and have some fun. What cool activities can you do over Zoom: play chess, have Rubik’s cube races?

Engage in Interesting Discussions

Have family conversations where everyone shares their thoughts and ideas. Learn about Socratic questions, search on the internet about Socratic ways of learning. An Example could be, “Is truth discovered or created?”

Have Fun

Ask this question of your family: What are ways in which you can infuse your days at home with fun? If you’d like some ideas, turn to your community. I have seen Facebook neighbourhood groups full of great ideas. Ultimately, the overall goal is to grow together as a family during this unprecedented, chaotic, and uncertain time. Ask yourself this question every day: what does our family need the most right now?

About Acton Academy Lahore:  Acton Academy Lahore is a learner driven school. Students embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowering them to find and nurture their passions and develop a vision of who they want to be in the world. Through hard work, they develop the academic and real-world skills to become the best version of themselves and emerge with a lifelong love of learning as well as the mindset and skills to make a difference in our ever-changing world.

For more information on home-learning or Acton Academy, contact Ali Faraz at


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