"Modi did a Modi."
"And you would have expected him to do a...a Khan?"
"Well, one would have hoped that as the leader of India, undisputed leader need I add given his overwhelming victory in the last polls..."
"A kind of overwhelming victory that our Khan does not yet enjoy..."
"Yet is the operative word my friend, because I feel that in the next elections he may win an overwhelming majority..."
"I agree, unless somehow Plan B is activated."
"Don't be facetious anyway all those who Trump likes are doing well at the polls - Trump likes Kim Jung Un...and Putin..."
"True, but I am not sure how much those two rely on popular support..."
"Doesn't matter - they are strongmen in their countries and I reckon The Khan may reach their level of strength in our country and..."
"If wishes were horses my friend..."
"And I keep telling you they are in this country if you play your cards right..."
"Hmmm, anyway God has been kind to Durrani sahib, Speaker Sindh Assembly; the Governor has decided to perform Hajj and so he will be absent for ten days and Durrani sahib will be shifted to Governor's House from jail..."
"Don't be facetious; besides isn't the federal government appointing the deputy speaker as acting governor during the 10 days..."
"I thought you were going to ask me why the Governor is leaving the country as he has yet to finish the job of cleaning Karachi and..."
"That's not the Governor that the federal minister......and the minister has set up an account for donations - apparently he needs a couple of crores for cleaning some areas..."
"Why doesn't he go to our Ivanka? I mean..."
"Excuse me, but you are being unfair to Jehangir Tareen - Ivanka never ever spends her own money on anything to do with matters of state or charity other than perhaps for the Trump foundation but Tareen sahib does..."
"But the two have many commonalities - besides being extremely wealthy they are hated by people of the party as well as opposition, they are also slim and have their own hair, they..."
"Oh for Pete's sake."

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019


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