The recently-concluded summit of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (formerly Organisation of Islamic Conference) seems to have thrown up a valuable opportunity for prime minister Imran Khan to grab it with both hands. It was his meeting with crown prince Muhammad bin Salman on the sidelines of the 14th OIC summit. The prime minister seems to have conveyed to the crown prince the enormity of his country's economic challenges. The PM might have also conveyed to the crown prince that his country was willing to play a conciliatory role between Iran and Saudi Arabia to defuse growing tensions in the region.
Insofar as the crown prince is concerned, he is often found to be self-assumed, aggressive, combative, at times willing to offend and at times trying to sound conciliatory. It is therefore genuinely hoped that the PM-crown prince meeting will augur well for the peace prospects in the region and beyond.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019


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