Whoever can manage without the most up-to-the-minute technology and latest features can also safely skip the newest iteration of the iPhone, a test by a German consumer organisation has found. Stiftung Warentest tested the new iPhone 6S and 6S Plus and found that apart from a little more computing power and the 3D Touch function, they don't surpass their predecessor models, the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus, by very much.
Visually, the new models and last year's models don't differ much, although the latest versions are slightly heavier and thicker. This is partly due to a new display layer which can recognise how much force a finger is applying to the glass.
This new feature is called 3D Touch and is, according to Stiftung Warentest, the most exciting thing about the new phones. Strong finger pressure on the home screen can now trigger actions such as taking a photo or adding a new contact to the address book.
The cameras in the S models are also slightly better than in the previous models. For example, the video camera can now shoot in 4K resolution (3840 x 2160 pixels). However, the testers found that this will quickly exhaust the memory of the 16-gigabyte model.
The processor is also faster and the new co-processor allows users to say "Hey Siri" to activate the digital assistant Siri. Previously, that hands-free function only worked when the iPhone was connected by cable to a power source.
The testers deducted points from the new iPhones for price and battery life. They found that in a test of making calls the new model's battery died significantly sooner than its predecessor.
In addition, buyers will have to dig deeper into their pockets. While the iPhone 6S retails for between 739 and 959 euros (839 and 1,088 dollars) in Europe and the 6S Plus costs 849 to 1,069 euros, the year-old iPhone 6 has between reduced in price. It now costs from 629 euros and delivers, in the testers' opinion, all the important features.

Copyright Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 2015


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