Print Print 2015-10-10

Partly Facetious: Sadiq reckons he will win by a landslide

"Ayaz Sadiq feels he is going to win and by a landslide."
Published October 10, 2015

"Ayaz Sadiq feels he is going to win and by a landslide."
"Candidates aren't going to say they are going to lose before elections - I mean if you admit defeat before the contest then why would you contest?"
"Right, but you know why he thinks he will win by a landslide?"
"Yes, he says Lahore is full of nawalas, as in Nawaz Sharif supporters, and the people of Lahore have loved Mian sahib since the PPP lost its vote bank in that city and..."
"But by that logic, surely Sadiq should realise that the nawalas may be replaced by PTI, I mean if the jiyalas can be replaced by the nawalas then why can't the nawalas be replaced by another party?"
"True, but that's not why Sadiq reckons he will win by a landslide."
"Oh, is it because he reckons the opposing candidate is not a nice man and vicious attacks against each other's leadership maybe deplorable but hey that's part of our campaign politics."
"I would like to say that just because your name is Sadiq does not mean that you are sadiq and ameen, constitutional requirements for a candidate and..."
"Your colours, PTI colours, are showing."
"I guess, but anyway Ayaz Sadiq's belief that he is going to win by a landslide can be gleaned from his statement a few days ago that now that the bhabhi, Khan's second wife, has jumped into the fray..."
"Ah yes, the reference to the Haripur disaster, but let me assure you that the bhabhi came only in one jalsa in Lahore, wasn't even allowed on the stage, and perhaps her attendance was to dispel the impression that the couple may be on the verge of a divorce, but the PML-N bhabhi is there to stay...."
"That's so unfair - Kulsoom Nawaz may be complicit in making some critical appointments but she is in the background - some women like to be in the background and come out only when required like the husband being in jail, others want to bask in the sunshine of their husband's popularity and..."
"Nah I don't regard Kulsoom Nawaz as PML-N's true bhabhi, it is Ishaq Dar and need I add that the bhabhi has refused to withdraw the withholding tax on traders and the Lahori traders of NA 122 are angered and..."
"How do you define bhabhi?"
"Anyone with influence over the decision maker but with zero public support."
"Hmmm, so the PML-N bhabhi may pull a Haripur in NA-122?"
"Something must be done about the bhabhi factor in our politics."

Copyright Business Recorder, 2015


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