Blogging dreams often end before the blog gets up a head of steam, because writers get frustrated with overly complicated content-management software, German computer magazine c't is warning. With that in mind, some blog platforms have turned to radical minimalism in presentation and upkeep, in the hopes of keeping people involved, the magazine reports.
One of these new services is, which offers an attractive design along with ease of use. It's also free. To start, a user only requires a Twitter or Facebook account. After that, it's just a matter of entering one's writing into the layout provided.
Another option is Its developers promise that its contents will be maintained forever and never sold on to others.
It only costs 5 dollars to start, which provides access to features like a commentary function, a photo gallery, an import option or the ability to just type up entries as emails. The email's subject line then becomes the title of the post.

Copyright Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 2015


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