Pakistan captain Babar Azam on Sunday termed the pre-season camp in Kakul as highly successful, adding that it not only contributed to preparing the players for the long and challenging cricket season ahead but also strengthened unity and understanding amongst the group.

“Immersed in such an inspiring facility, guided by top-notch instructors and a well-structured programme, all the players have experienced significant growth,” he was seen saying in a video shared by the Pakistan Cricket Board on its website.

As many as 29 elite cricketers attended the pre-season camp at the historic and iconic Pakistan Military Academy in Kakul from March 26 to April 6, with the training and drills designed by Pakistan Army experts and strategists.

During the camp, there was a focus on team building aimed to enhance the physical and mental strength of the players, ensuring they were in the best condition to face the challenges ahead.

Under the guidance of experienced trainers and coaches, the players underwent a comprehensive training regime tailored to elevate their fitness levels, agility, leadership, strategic thinking and overall performance on the field.

The skipper said this was his third boot camp, and with each visit, he gleaned new insights.

“This time, our focus extended beyond physical fitness to encompass team bonding activities and performance-improving lectures. These elements are crucial considering our team environment where collective performance is paramount for achieving desired results.

He added that team bonding activities and performance-improving lectures were crucial considering the team environment where collective performance was paramount for achieving desired results.

According to the right-handed batter, shared spaces fostered discussions ranging from strategic planning and team combinations to the evolution of cricket, latest innovations in the sport, analysis of opponents and approach to each day’s challenges.


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Z Afridi Apr 07, 2024 09:20pm
Why did Shaheen leave? Babar is the most selfish sportsperson on earth.
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