The free and fair electoral process in India is an eye-opener and a matter of shame for our despotic rulers who have violated and mutilated laws to perpetuate their rule denying the people to choose their leadership through fair and free elections.
When people exercise their right to choose their leaders freely, the nation is instilled with new vigor and hope. And when elections are held just as a ritual to please foreign masters, it becomes a farce and only deepens despair as in Pakistan.
Commenting on the electoral process in India, the PTI Chief Imran Khan has stated that free and fair elections in any country are critical milestones to further the democratic process.
This was amply demonstrated recently in India where contrary to the claims of pundits, the people of India stunned the world by choosing their leadership without state interference.
Imran Khan lamented that in contrast to India, repeated elections in Pakistan have only further intensified despondency because the establishment hoists crooks over us since they are easier to manipulate.
The ruling elite in Pakistan considers them over and above the law. They have arrogantly assumed upon themselves the role of rulers under the much-abused doctrine of "supreme national interest" which is merely a smokescreen to defy laws with impunity and control and exploit all the economic resources for the benefit of small elite.
The PTI chief stated that history is proof that no individual is indispensable for a nation.

Copyright South Asian News Agency, 2004


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