The Ambassador of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ali S. Awadh Asseri has expressed grief and sorrow over the death of Minister of Labour, Manpower and Overseas Pakistani Abdul Sattar Laleka.
In a statement here Monday, he said," I am shocked by listening the new of tragic demise Abdul Sattar Laleka. I have lost a friend and a brother and Pakistan has lost a veteran Parliamentarian and an untiring politician.
On behalf of the Government of Saudi Arabia, and on my personal behalf, I would like to extend heartfelt condolences. I had the honour of interacting with him on numerous occasions and always found him a noble person and a truly patriotic Pakistani.
He rendered valuable services to bring the benefits to the Pakistani labour force by striving relentlessly.
He also visited Saudi Arabia for the purpose and met our minister of labour to discuss ways and means to further strengthen the close relations between the two brotherly countries. I prayed to Allah Almighty to rest his soul in eternal peace and grant his family and friends the courage and fortitude to bear the loss."

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2004


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