Visa applications in three new categories will be accepted in Pakistan from February 16 as next step towards full service by the spring, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw announced on Friday.
From February 16, applications will be accepted from family visitors aged over 30, children for settlement and retired persons of independent means.
Visa offices in Pakistan were temporarily closed in May, 2002, following terrorist attacks and in view of the tensions between India and Pakistan, says a press release issued by British Home Office.
Since July, 2003, the visa service has been progressively restored as the security situation has improved.
Currently, the British High Commission is processing visit applications for anyone who has travelled to the UK in the last 10 years, from students, family visitors over 60, from business visitors and settlement applications from spouses and fiancés.
Home Secretary David Blunkett, speaking at a reception hosted by British Pakistani community in Mirpur on Friday, said: "The restoration of the visa service to applicants in these three categories is an important step towards restoring a full visa service in Pakistan this spring.
"I know that the regrettably necessary restrictions placed on our visa processing capability have caused difficulties. Many people in the Pakistani community in the UK retain close links with relatives and friends here. These family, business and cultural bonds help to increase the understanding and friendship between our two countries.
That is why I am pleased that this expansion will mean more people will be able to visit family members in the UK".

Copyright News Network International, 2004


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