This is apropos a Business Recorder editorial "Mysterious drop in number of tests" carried by the newspaper yesterday. The newspaper has concluded its argument by stating that "As it is, Pakistan's creaking healthcare system is under stress because of the growing number of infections throughout the country. If tests are being avoided or reduced for some spurious objective such as the launch of the Tiger Force, this provides little comfort to a concerned citizenry battered by (partial) lockdowns, unemployment, inflation (especially food items) and uncertainty about the future. Surely, the government should be pulling out all the stops to test (whether under TTQ or otherwise) in order to reassure the populace that the government is sparing no effort in its battle against the coronavirus pandemic. As it is, the perception has taken hold in the public mind that the mixed, confused messaging of the government since the crisis started reflects confusion, hesitation and floundering at a moment requiring decisive policy and action. The PTI government is not helping its own case by its dithering attitude. It must be seen to be and to actually be leading the fight against the pandemic, not trailing behind the deadly virus' march."

While fully agreeing to what the newspaper has said I would like to add a key factor to this ongoing debate: the increased bickering and squabbling between the government at centre and provinces. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari's press talk in Karachi yesterday says it all. While it is true that health is essentially a provincial subject after the passage of 18th constitutional amendment, the centre needs to give due consideration to the fact that the coronavirus challenge is beyond the capacity of smaller provinces in particular. I'm afraid that the ongoing bout of charges and counter-charges will adversely affect the national fight against this deadly virus.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020


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