"A watched pot never boils."
"Where did that come from? Did you put a pot to boil and forget about it!"
"Hey, it's an old proverb - if you are watching the pot and there is water in it then you will not allow it to boil..."
"I don't get it! What if you want the water to boil? Every morning I want the water in the pot to boil for my coffee..."
"The proverb means do not sit around waiting for things to happen. Look at our Prime Minister - eight months in power and he has had so many foreign tours - there is Saudi Arabia, and UAE, China twice and then Iran and..."
"Right, but let's not forget he has yet to go to London where his children reside; if you recall Nawaz Sharif was forever going to London, or stopping over, at the tax payers expense and Zardari sahib was also taking tours to the West at state expense."
"That was their prerogative; besides they and/or their close family members have considerable real estate holdings in European countries, I think Zardari sahib has some holdings in the US as well, and one does need to check one's holdings off and on, I mean there is danger of an active land mafia..."
"No land mafia in the West..."
"OK, but if there are squatters then possession is nine tenths of the law right."
"Hmmm, but you have to give full marks to Zardari sahib - he hasn't put all his eggs, read assets, in one basket - Mian Nawaz Sharif on the other hand put all his eggs in the UK or so I hear..."
"I heard the US State Department has imposed visa sanctions on Pakistanis, including on our officials, the same that are applicable on Ghana and Eritrea and Cambodia and so Zardari sahib may not be able to visit..."
"Don't be facetious, besides Zardari sahib is on our Exit Control List so the matter of going on a foreign trip does not arise."
"Why don't we do a tit for tat? Cancel the visas we gave to Alice Wells and Zalmay Khalilzad scheduled to visit..."
"Hey as Shah Mehmud Qureshi keeps saying better to remain engaged then to take any action that may take the situation from bad to worse and..."
"That brings me back to the watched pot that never boils. Shah Mehmud Qureshi is watching the pot carefully to ensure that it doesn't boil over."
"The pot being?"
"The pot being The Khan."
"Hey, The Khan is no pot; besides he is more focused on the eggs in Pakistan's basket and is busy procuring as many baskets as he can..."
"By following Public Procurement Rules..."
"Oh shush, this is a serious matter."

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019


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