Print Print 2019-04-09

Partly Facetious: Buzdar will fall in love

"There is something about a U turn that I have come to love."
Published April 9, 2019

"There is something about a U turn that I have come to love."
"You are just a diehard Khanzadeh and..."
"Hey, a U-turn allows you to learn and change with experience don't you think....and, and, wait, it also allows you to adapt to changing ground realities."
"OK I am with you there, but a U-turn that denigrates the previous government's policies as not only flawed but also with the intent to defraud the treasury, with amnesty schemes dismissed as giving an opportunity to the thieves to legalize their ill gotten wealth, constant references to conflict of interest but when in administration taking similar policies with I reckon 80 to 85 percent of the same people...with wait, wait, let me finish..."
"I can't wait any more. You are simply a vicious person who needs to be taken to task. The Khan is a good man, he is an honest man, he wants the country to develop, he is dedicated to lifting the poor from poverty and..."
"And his team is the same o, same o and don't forget at Oxford The Khan focused on cricket not on other learning otherwise..."
"The Khan has an entire team to advise him, he set up more than a dozen task forces..."
"Who are all regurgitating reports already available in all the ministries for decades and need I add..."
"Don't add...anyway there has been a change. Gill has replaced Buzdar as the real decision maker."
"That is so unfair and I hold The Khan responsible for Buzdar's one eye getting decidedly different in shape and size from the other, and that is not fair at all."
"You are being facetious..."
"No I am not, if I take away your terms of reference and give you a thumbs down then I ask you how would you feel? Diminished? No?"
"Good heavens no, have you heard the story of Thumbelina?"
"It's a fairy story right?"
"Thumbelina is about a tiny girl and her adventures with marriage-minded toads, moles, etc. She avoids all of them and falls in love with a flower-fairy prince just her size. "
"What does that mean? Buzdar will fall in love..."
"He is Thumbelina now warding off marriage proposals, you know of the likes of the PTI stalwarts who are over ruling him, but you wait he is in the process of contracting a very good marriage and..."
"Hey that's news, why haven't I heard it before."
"There is figurative and then there is literal, and you are one literal sucker."

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019


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