The French government announced about half a billion euros in aid for students on Monday in an attempt to defuse anger from protesters who said they would gather again on a central Paris square for the 12th night in a row. The "Nuit Debout"(Up All Night) movement has brought thousands of young mainly left-wing voters to the Place de la Republique, venting their frustration against various policies of President Francois Hollande's socialist government.
Street protests that initially started against a draft labour reform bill, have broadened out to other issues. "The government is listening. It understands the youths' worries," Prime Minister Manuel Valls told student organisations, announcing subsidies for young graduates looking for a job and other aid for apprentices and students, worth a total of 400 million euros-500 million euros ($455.16 million-$568.95 million).

Copyright Reuters, 2016


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