Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan on Monday issued standing orders that the 'Safe City Project' must be completed by November end, saying he wanted to see the project operational in December at all costs. "Complete the installation of security cameras by November 15 and make it [project] operational by the end of the month," the flamboyant minister made it crystal clear to the concerned officials during a briefing here.
Following the installation of security cameras, he said that a team of Scotland Yard would be convened to give their input about the location of cameras to further improve the project. "I've spoken to Pakistan High Commissioner in the UK in this regard and the team of Scotland Yard will be here when things are ready," he added. The minister also called upon the concerned officials to further negotiate with the Chinese firm to take maintenance responsibility for five years, adding it would be great if the company agrees to help us in maintaining the project for ten years. He said that the government had no problem in sharing the data of sensitive buildings in the Capital with the Chinese firm, as the data could not be shared with any other country, as China was an all time ally of Pakistan.
Nisar said that the total cost of the project was $120 million and it was conceived in 2009, but could not be implemented due to non-serious attitude of the then government. Accepting that it was a costly project, he said the PML-N government had expressed serious reservation over the cost and quality of cameras but it had to proceed with it due to absence of an alternative.
However, he claimed that the incumbent government further negotiated with the firm, which helped in increasing the number of cameras besides adding modern equipment with no other charges. To a question about a ban on the media coverage to Jamatud Dawah (JuD), he said that the organisation was only in the government's watch list and there was no such ban on it.
Dr Aamir, additional secretary, interior ministry, and Mirvaiz Niaz, Senior Superintendent Police (SSP), security division, while briefing the minister said that out of 1850 security cameras, the installation of 1500 cameras had been completed, adding 240 cameras had been so far been made operational. This earned the ire of the minister who issued orders to expedite the project, saying it was too little and the project should be ready by the end of November.
Mirvaiz said that the project had huge data storage capacity and it would help strengthen police response to crime to a great extent. The project consists of computer-aided dispatch system and other software including facial recognition and vehicle management system. Aamir said that the command and control centre consisted of 72 screens as well as drone cameras. To ensure timely action against any suspect appearing on the screen, he said that the 'ICT Police Rapid Response Force' would always remain on red alert to act within few minutes.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2015


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