The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) is Pakistan’s regulatory body that oversees the oil and gas industry and is responsible for ensuring industry safety standards and compliance. OGRA plays a vital role in maintaining safety and standards in this sector.

OGRA recognised the Oil Companies Advisory Council (OCAC) on the safety initiative of two- and three-wheeler vehicles, carried out to create awareness, ensure strict safety standards, and improve refuelling safety. OGRA urged OCAC to continue safety-related conversations on a regular basis to ensure public safety.

This illustrates the cooperation between the regulatory body and industry players in pursuing a safer Pakistan.

Shell Pakistan Limited (Shell) kickstarted this safety dialogue with the launch of its ‘Ehtiyaat Bunay Hifazat’ campaign, which translates to “precaution means preservation”. This initiative in Pakistan aims to raise awareness about the dangers of refuelling while seated on a motorcycle or rickshaw.

By forging strong collaborations and collective efforts, we can work towards making Pakistan a safer place for all.

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