ISLAMABAD: Communications Minister Murad Saeed said on Sunday that the efforts of Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) to save its ‘corrupt’ leadership will bear no fruit and opposition’s plan to malign the state institutions has stood exposed.

Addressing a press conference here, the minister said opposition is pursuing a path of maligning Pakistan’s institutions of justice and security and portraying a corrupt leader as the champion of democracy.

“Some people are giving priority to their personal interest over national interests,” he said, taking a jibe at Nawaz Sharif.

He said international forces are out to target Pakistan’s institutions under India’s great game plan to destabilize Pakistan. “Unfortunately, the opposition is carrying forward this narrative,” he said.

Saeed said that the incidents of terrorism, Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) explosions and smuggling have drastically reduced in Pakistan as a result of fencing along the Pak-Afghan border.

Commenting on PML-N leader Ayaz Sadiq’s statement in the Parliament, Murad Saeed said that no one from the opposition has yet condemned it.

He said it is regrettable that opposition is making nation’s victory of downing Indian planes and capturing one of the pilots Abhinandan, controversial. He said entire world witnessed Indian arrogance biting the dust with its falling fighter jets. He said the time has come when the nation should decide whether it will stand by the side of those who serve the country or with those, who carry forward enemy’s narrative.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020


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