A three-day first International Conference on "Contemporary American Literature" concluded here on Saturday. National University of Modern Languages (NUML) in collaboration with Higher Education Commission (HEC) organised the event, and American Embassy aimed at creating awareness among the concerned about rich cultural diversity of American Literature.
Professor Dr Zhang Baojun from China, Dr E V Ramakrishnan from Nepal, Dr Imah Agang Emenyc from Nigeria, Dr Rubina Kamran, Dr Dharamdas M Shende, NUML Rector Brigadier (R) Dr Aziz Ahmed Khan, NUML Dean Dr Saeeda Asadullah Khan shed light on different aspects of American Literature.
The participants also highlighted positive role of gender sensitivity and urged them to get education, which is necessary for social development of the country.
The emerging creative literature took up vital concern of the times; shrinking of the individual's role in a seemingly chaotic and mechanistic world.
A large number of students, faculty members, representatives of various NGOs and foreigners were present on the occasion.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2005


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