President of the Supreme People's Court of China, Justice Xiao Yang hailed everlasting Sino-Pak friendship and hoped it would further grow to meet the common aspirations of their people.
"We highly appreciate Pakistan's consistent support to China on question of Taiwan, Tibet and human rights", he said during his meeting held here on Saturday with the visiting Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry.
He spoke highly of Sino-Pak friendship and said it is rightly described as higher than the Himalayas and deeper than the oceans. Justice Xiao noted that since China and Pakistan established diplomatic relations 54 years ago, exchanges and co-operation have kept expanding in various fields.
The two countries hold identical or similar views on major international issues and have had good co-operation in international affairs.
During the meeting, the two sides reiterated their resolve to expand bilateral exchanges and co-operation in the judicial field, under a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that was signed in Beijing in September 2001.
Under the MoU, the two countries are agreed to co-operate in the fields of judicial statistics, judges training and the exchanges between local courts. It was also agreed that they will strengthen the exchanges of information laws, regulations, materials of trial practice and judicial publications.
Earlier, talking to newsmen on his arrival here to attend 22nd World Law Conference, Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry said Pakistan and China would work closely to share their experience to strengthen judiciary.
He hoped that the conference will be successful to develop interaction at regional and international levels to tackle the problems, being faced by the legal circle. Through this conference, Pakistan wishes to give a message of peace and tranquillity to the entire community.
To a question, he said the judiciary in Pakistan is working with commitment and dedication to uphold rule of law and protect human rights, guaranteed by the Constitution. About Pakistan's efforts to combat terrorism, he said "Pakistan is playing the role as a frontline state in the international campaign against terrorism", "Our efforts for peace have been well recognised by the international community", he added.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2005


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