Sindh Chief Secretary, Dr Mutawakkal Qazi said on Monday that provincial home department and Inspector General, Sindh Police have been directed to make foolproof security arrangements during holy month of Muharram and urged Ulema, intellectuals and media people to play their role for promoting religious and sectarian harmony and tolerance.
Talking to newsmen here he said that provincial police and home department authorities have been asked to further intensify security arrangements around mosques, Imambargahs, other worship places, main roads, parks and play grounds and extra deployment of law enforcing agencies' personnel.
"In order to ensure security of people, all law enforcing agencies and concerned departments have been put on high alert and they have further been directed to improve inter-departmental co-ordination for effective security of citizens", he informed.
He said that government was taking every possible step to ensure peace in the province not only in sensitive months but also throughout the year but it was mainly the responsibility of social welfare and religious organisations to preach disseminate message of peace and harmony to masses.
To a query, Sindh CS said that police will be mobilised and would be asked to increase patrolling and checking in sensitive areas of the province and if felt necessary, leaves of concerned officials and police personnel would be cancelled.
He urged people to assist law enforcing agencies and the government in maintaining peace in cities and expressed hope that steps taken by the government will yield positive results.
In addition, traffic police have been put on high alert to maintain normal flow of traffic in Muharram.
Mutawakkil Qazi maintained that Sindh Health department has also been directed to set up medical camps in Muharram at various places to provide medial aid to people.

Copyright Pakistan Press International, 2004


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