Witnessing the keen interest and enthusiastic response of students, it has been decided to screen the documentary "The Reflections on Kashmir" shortly at the George Washington University and George Mason University, according to sources.
The documentary is a 46-minute slideshow on the genesis of the Kashmir dispute and comments by politicians, historians, scholars and media, besides references to resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.
It also shows the atrocities against Kashmiris fighting for their right to self-determination, and media coverage of various phases of boycotted elections in Srinagar, which failed to prove a substitute for the UN pledged plebiscite.
The documentary was previously watched by a packed hall of students at the auditorium of the Georgetown University on February 6, marking the Kashmir Solidarity Day.
It was preceded by a seminar on Kashmir, chaired by Ambassador, Ashraf Jehangir Qazi, while Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, Executive Director of the Kashmiri-American Council (KAC) was the keynote speaker.
It was arranged by Muslim Students Association of Georgetown University; Organisation of Pakistani Students of George Washington University; and Pakistani Students Associations of Johns Hopkins University, Northern Virginia Community College, and George Mason University.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2004


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