Print Print 2004-02-01

Punjab government's education policies favouring working classes

The Punjab governments' education-friendly-policies favouring working classes.
Published February 1, 2004

The Punjab governments' education-friendly-policies favouring working classes.
It is building confidence among them especially release of Rs 150 million to each district for the uplift of shelter less and dilapidated school buildings as a first instalment of Rs 500 million allocated under Punjab Chief Ministers' three years educator programme would boost up the education standards in the Province.
The provision of free education at secondary school level including providing them books and free hostel facilities and creation of model schools and allocation of 4 percent budget for education first time in history would boost up education.
Member Presidents' task force on human development and Multan Public School and College Principal Colonel Professor Dr Zafar Mehmood Khawar stated this in an exclusive interview here.
He said that there was a dire need to restore the dignity and respect of educators at all levels and Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervez Elahi's reforms would prove a miles stone in this regards.
He said the Punjab Chief Minister under his firm commitment with education announced Rs 50 million financial assistance during his last visit, a couple of weeks ago that would further develop education activities and standardisation in the school. A number of pending projects would be completed from this grant following its release, he said.
Dr Zafar Mehmood has contributed a numbers of articles in The News, remained editor Punjab university magazine and Army Journal, also launched GHQ school college magazine "Kaliyan" and he has remained as 31st Principal of prestigious institution Sindh Madaressatul Islam before joining MPSC.
While highlighting the performance of MPSC being run under Multan district government and administration students, he said the school showed extraordinary results in Multan Board and Cambridge examinations in 2002-2003 by securing 70pc result. The result of Multan Board 9th class result stood at 100pc with more than I divisions while three students secured 92pc marks. A student Munib Qureshi of 10th class secured first position, he said.
Dr Zafar said in curriculum activities the MPSC remained 3rd in Saarc quiz competition besides getting positions at regional, provincial and national levels in performing Mili Nagmas, speech competition and quiz competitions.
He said the Punjab government under special directive established Multan Education Trust in 1984 and nominated the than Commissioner Fariddudin Ahmed as its chairman.
The Trust established MPSC in 1985 to compete with private sector and to provide quality education to the students. Later, the Trust extended its network and established girls' public school in 1999.
He said the establishment of MPSC auditorium is still pending which needs Rs 10 million, admin block library and labs need budget of Rs 15 million while the hostel and college block establishment are required Rs 10 million.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2004


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