
ISIS use chilling Messi poster to threaten 2018 World Cup

ISIS supporters are using a chilling poster of football superstar Lionel Messi crying blood in a campaign of terror
Published October 25, 2017

ISIS supporters are using a chilling poster of football superstar Lionel Messi crying blood in a campaign of terror to threaten 2018 World Cup.

Wafa Media Foundation, a pro-Islamic State (ISIS) group, have released a poster threatening to bring terror to the next year FIFA World Cup scheduled to be held in Russia featuring an image of Barcelona and Argentina star Lionel Messi.

The image features the tagline "Just Terrorism" underneath the image of Messi, who is seen behind bars wearing a jump suit with his name on it.

The poster also delivers a warning reading "you are fighting a state that does not have failure in its dictionary."

Copyright Business Recorder, 2017


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