KARACHI: official KCA spot rates for local dealings in Pakistan rupees on Saturday, (August 17, 2024)

The kca official spot rate for local dealings in Pakistan rupees
                     For base grade 3 staple length 1-1/16"
                    Micronaire value between 3.8 to 4.9 ncl
Rate              Ex-gin   Upcountry   Spot rate    Spot rate    Difference
                    for      price     Ex-Karachi  ex. Khi. as   Ex-karachi
                                                   on 16-08-2024
37.324 KG        17,500        235        17,735        17,735          NIL
40 KGS           18,755        252        19,007        19,007          NIL

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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