MULTAN: As many as 17 persons have so far been killed while over 25 are admitted at Nishtar Hospital in critical condition seven days after the Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) bowser blast at Multan’s Hamidpur Kanora area.
The latest to die was 25-year-old Ramzan, whose over 70 per cent of body had been burnt.
Over 60 homes had also been destroyed in the incident rendering people homeless. Speaking to the media, the affected people have said they have been provided with tents to sleep at night, while residents of the area are providing them meals.
They have complained that they have not yet received the monetary compensation announced by the government.
They have appealed to the government to help them rebuild their homes. Meanwhile, despite the passage of seven days, the road leading from Multan to Muzaffargarh has not been opened for traffic as yet as the debris still remains unremoved.