Power generation in Pakistan clocked in at 13,460 GWh (18,090 MW) in June 2024, a decrease of 1.9% YoY as compared to the same period of the previous year.

Back in June 2023, power generation stood at 13,715 GWh (18,433MW), revealed data released by brokerage house Arif Habib Limited (AHL) on Monday.

On a monthly basis, power generation increased by 6.7% as compared to 12,617 GWh registered in May.

The monthly increase was attributed to improved generation from hydel (21.1%), and coal (imported) (66.3%).

For FY24, power generation fell by 1.9% YoY to 127,165 GWh (170,909 MW), compared to 129,591 GWh (174,170 MW) in the SPLY.

Power generation in Pakistan improves, cost declines 10% YoY in May

The decline was owed to lower generation from nuclear (3.7%) and gas (21%).

Meanwhile, the total cost of generating electricity in the country decreased significantly by nearly 11%, clocking in at Rs8.61 KWh in June 2024 compared to Rs9.63 KWh registered in the same period of the previous year.

The decrease in cost is attributed to the decrease in power generation cost from imported coal, which declined to Rs15.53 KWh, a fall of nearly 29%, as compared to Rs21.79 KWh in SPLY.

In June, hydel emerged as the leading source of power generation, accounting for 35.1% of the generation mix.

This was followed by RLNG, which accounted for 18.1% of the overall generation, ahead of nuclear, which accounted for 14.8% of the power generation share.

Among renewables, wind, solar and bagasse generation amounted to 3.8%, 0.9% and 0.4%, respectively, of the generation mix.


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M. Zahid Iftikhar Jul 22, 2024 03:33pm
It looks as though coal prices have settled into a band $140-$135 since last year & these may yet go lower. Now the govt must reduce prices to stimulate demand & lower average cost further.
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Az_Iz Jul 22, 2024 05:10pm
Power generation declined 1.9% YOY, & it was attributed to lower generation from Nuclear and gas? If generation from one source decreases,it can be increased from another source,if there is demand.
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Az_Iz Jul 22, 2024 05:13pm
Doesn't power generation depend on demand,not on lesser generation from some sourcs.There is enough capacity.So if generation decreases from one source, it can be increased from another source.
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Mohsin Merchant Aug 05, 2024 12:42pm
NEPRA has published addendum to above data after which the electricity generation cost becomes Rs.10.03/KWH on average. Kindly ref NEPRA website.
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