It’s a crisis of humanity

16 Nov, 2023

“Tonight was noisy. The explosions are closer. So many children have burns. My colleague broke down while we were working….He got a call that 10 people from his family and best friend were killed.”

These are not the words of any Hamas or Fatah leader, nor have they come from any other Arab or non-Arab leader; this is the remark of a nurse from International Committee of the Red Cross through which she has tried to describe the grimness of the situation in Gaza in a heartbreaking note.

But before I seek to say anything more about the situation let me invite your newspaper readers’ attention to a post for by a Palestinian journalist, Yara Eid. According to her, “The Israeli terrorist army is invading Al Shifa hospital where thousands of patients and displaced people are there.

I have friends who are in the hospital and I know many doctors who refused to leave and wanted to stay treating their patients. This amounts to a war crime.

The whole world knows it. No matter what fabrications they publish, this is an attack on all humanity and I can’t believe these cowards are terrorising innocent vulnerable souls in the middle of the night. They have already committed hundreds of massacres.

I genuinely cannot comprehend that the world is allowing this!” That both Red Cross nurse’s and Palestinian journalist’s are profound accounts about how Israel has been committing atrocities in a manner and on a scale that are surely in consonance with Adolf Hitler’s utopian barbarism is a fact.

In my view, Israel is trying to replicate what it did in Lebanon in 1982 through an 88-day siege of Beirut to drive out Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) from that country.

Once the PLO was forced to flee Lebanon, thousands of Palestinian refugees were killed by Christian militias in the camps of Sabra and Shatila.

In 2023, however, the Jewish state seems to have employed a different pattern for the ‘refugee problem’ to solve it once and for all: complete extermination of Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. What is happening in Gaza is not just a humanitarian crisis; it’s in fact a crisis of humanity.

Khawaja Rahman, (Mirpur, Azad Jammu and Kashmir)

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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