No ban on Rs5,000 currency note: caretaker information minister says letter being circulated is fake

Updated 08 Sep, 2023

Caretaker Information Minister Murtaza Solangi rejected as fake a letter circulating on Thursday, which stated that the government had decided to ban Rs5,000 notes from September 30.

“The government shall act against the people spreading this kind of fake news to create chaos,” Solangi said on his X (formerly Twitter) handle.

The letter falsely claimed that the government was banning the use, possession, and circulation of Rs5,000 currency notes throughout the country with effect from September 30, 2023.

Later, the Finance Division also issued a statement, calling the letter “false information”.

“A fake notification is being circulated on social media regarding ban on circulation of Rs5,000 currency notes w.e.f 30th September 2023,” the Finance Division said in a short statement.

“It is for information of general public that this is false information. There is no such policy decision or action regarding ban on circulation of Rs5,000 currency notes. Such circulation remains absolutely valid.”

Read the article written by Shabbar Zaidi in February 2021 on the Rs5,000 currency note

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