PTI lawmakers in Punjab being forced to leave party, claims Imran

  • Former prime minister says PTI's legislators being told a red line has been placed on his political career
11 Jan, 2023

Former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan claimed Wednesday that the party's legislators and political allies in the Punjab Assembly are being threatened to leave the party, Aaj News reported.

Addressing the PTI's parliamentary meeting in Lahore, Imran claimed that lawmakers are being told that a "red line has been placed on Imran Khan's political career."

"Powers that are telling people that we have put a red line on Imran Khan should know that the day I leave home and go to the public, I will erase that red line."

He praised Pakistan Muslim League Quaid (PML-Q) lawmakers and Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Pervaiz Elahi for not accepting the pressure.

Imran's claim comes a day after PTI leader Fawad Chaudhry alleged that his party's lawmakers in Punjab were receiving "threatening calls from unknown numbers" as he requested Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir to investigate the matter.

We want a working relationship with the establishment," he said adding "an independent inquiry should be held to investigate the issue."

Fawad insisted that the army chief should "ensure the institution's neutrality" in the matter of the vote of confidence against Punjab Chief Minister Parvez Elahi.

Last week, PTI Chairman Imran Khan alleged that the military establishment doesn't appear to be neutral over the issue of the vote of confidence.

"Our people are being forced to vote against Parvez Elahi in the vote of confidence. So far, at least three of our Members Provincial Assembly (MPAs) have confirmed being approached by the establishment people," he said while speaking to the court reporters at his Zaman Park residence in Lahore.

Earlier on Wednesday, the Punjab Assembly session witnessed pandemonium for the third consecutive day with opposition lawmakers raising slogans against Chief Minister Parvez Elahi.

The opposition – led by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML_N) - chanted slogans against CM Elahi, urging him to take a vote of confidence. They also tore agenda copies and vowed not to let the session progress until their demand was met.

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